Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Still looking for Live Organ Donor

I'm the baby in this picture, and Chris is in white at the left of this photo.

When I called him to say "Happy birthday",  I noticed I'd received an email, not two seconds after I hung up the phone.

The email: a woman in California whose life partner is on dialysis, has offered to donate her kidney to my brother Chris (she matches his blood type) - if she can find a type O (negative) donor for her life partner whose kidney has also failed.

SO WE STILL NEED A TYPE O KIDNEY to make this swap work! 

If you know of anyone who might be interested in being part of this amazing connection, please let me know  on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/mybrotherskidney

Or here: katiegeehicks (at) gmail (dot) com